AC was contracted by Parsons Brinkerhoff/WSP to provide the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) with professional consulting services associated with this 42-mile transmission line rebuild project that extends from Eugene west to Florence.
As part of NEPA planning and project permitting efforts, AC staff conducted initial fieldwork and prepared documentation for the Environmental Assessment for the project including fisheries technical reports. AC staff also conducted fisheries fieldwork for culvert and fish passage assessments, documenting site and channel conditions and making recommendations for numerous bridge, culvert, and ford replacements associated with new road construction and existing road improvements.
AC provided design plan reviews for approximately 20 culverts and bridges over fish streams to facilitate ODFW and NMFS Fish Passage Engineer approvals, prepared ODFW Fish Passage Plans for Stream-Road Crossings, negotiated approval, provided specifications reviews for stream crossing plans and proposed site restoration measures at each crossing. A Biological Assessment was drafted to address potential impacts to ESA-listed species including UWR Chinook and OC Coho before finalization of a BPA-NMFS SLOPES for transmission line and access road rebuild projects. AC also prepared site restoration planting plans for approximately 20 culvert and bridge replacements.