AC was contracted by Parsons Brinkerhoff/WSP to provide the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) with professional wetland, botanical, fisheries, and wildlife consulting services associated with this 32-mile transmission line rebuild project.
As part of NEPA planning and permitting efforts, AC staff conducted initial fieldwork and prepared Vegetation, Fish and Wildlife Resource Technical Reports describing existing conditions and constraints along the 32 mile corridor.
AC staff prepared a biological assessment for NMFS and USFWS to address potential impacts to ESA-listed fish species including UWR Chinook salmon, UWR steelhead, and Oregon chub as well as a biological assessment for ESA-listed plant species including Nelson’s checkermallow and Bradshaw’s lomatium. AC staff also prepared a wetland assessment documenting potential wetland features and constraints within danger tree removal areas and proposed access roads along the 32-mile project corridor.
Construction phase support to BPA included preparation of Scientific Take Permits for Fish Salvage/Rescue and environmental construction compliance assistance.