AC was contracted by Parsons Brinkerhoff/WSP to provide the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) with professional fisheries and wildlife consulting services associated with this 27-mile transmission line rebuild project located east of Eugene that extends from Lowell southeast to Oakridge.
As part of NEPA planning and project permitting efforts, AC staff conducted fieldwork and prepared documentation for the Environmental Assessment, Biological Assessments, and Biological Evaluations for the project. Fieldwork included habitat assessments, culvert and fish passage assessments, documenting site and channel conditions and making recommendations for bridge, culvert, and ford replacements associated with new road construction and existing road improvements.
After coordination with the regulatory agencies, AC staff prepared ESA compliance documentation and a biological assessment for USFWS species including bull trout and northern spotted owl. As part of this project, AC also worked closely with BPA and NMFS to negotiate a new Programmatic Biological Opinion (SLOPES) specific to BPA’s transmission line and access road rebuild projects, facilitating more streamlined ESA-coverage for NMFS species on this and other transmission line rebuild projects.
AC also prepared a Biological Evaluation for USFS-sensitive aquatic species, an Aquatic Conservation Strategy memo, a site restoration planting plan, and assisted with fish passage plans for stream crossings, and tree removal/impact minimization measures.