This restoration project located on 180 acres of Columbia River floodplain in the Columbia Gorge Scenic Area included several stakeholders including LCEP, USFS, BPA, ODOT, UPRR, City of Cascade Locks, Interfluve, Inc. and others. The project was successfully completed despite a short work window, differing site conditions, access constraints and challenging logistical complexities. The restoration goals included: fish passage improvement retrofits to the Interstate 84 Horsetail/Oneonta Creek culvert, helicopter-assisted habitat log placement, engineered log structure installation, floodplain grading and stream channel re-alignment. In order to construct the project, Aquatic Contracting secured access permits from ODOT and UPRR, and implemented traffic control and public safety measures. Floodplain grading plans required the dewatering of a 4 acre pond for fill placement and new channel construction. In this process AC pumped over 80 million gallons of water and moved approximately 20,000 cubic yards of soil in moist and saturated conditions. Dewatering and access requirements included two gravity bypass diversion systems, temporary bridge and culvert crossings. In total, over 600 pieces of large wood were installed in Oneonta and Horsetail Creeks, and the newly constructed pond/channel/floodplain complex. Shortly after the project completion, adult salmon were observed utilizing the improved fish passage during low-flows which would have been prohibitive prior to construction.