The Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) awarded Aquatic Contracting (AC) the Flights End Restoration contract in 2017. The Flights End area on Sauvie Island is owned and managed by ODFW and provides public access for various recreational purposes. The project goals and objectives consisted of re-establishing full tidal inundation and juvenile salmon access by removing undersized culverts and artificial earthen berms, lowering marshplain elevations, creating new channel openings, including new channels connecting the wetlands to the Crane Slough. Beaver dam analogues also were installed as habitat features. The project also included installation of a 60-foot bridge.
AC began the project by installing erosion control measures and excavating the marshplain, lowering the floodplain elevations to specified grades. Spoils were hauled to an upland area graded using a dozer to create a variety of habitat features. Approximately 15,000 cubic yards of material were excavated and hauled. Native plants and plugs were then installed throughout the wetland.
The second part of the project included installing a 60-foot railcar bridge on pre-cast concrete footings to facilitate ODFW maintenance and additional public access. Upon completion, AC seeded and mulched all temporarily disturbed areas.