AC was contracted by the City of Albany to stabilize and enhance approximately 350 feet of the Calapooia River where bank erosion threatened portions of the City’s property and adjacent water treatment plant. Because the City’s downstream water intake and potential for ESA listed species, isolation of the in-water work area, fish exclusion, and turbidity controls were top priorities for the duration of the in-water work. AC installed over 500 feet of turbidity curtain. The project included excavation/import of over 6000 cubic yards of soil and 1000 cubic yards of boulders and rock. The bioengineering components of the project included incorporating approximately 90 conifer logs/root wads into the recontoured banks. AC staff also installed over 2000 feet of geotextile encased topsoil lifts (vegetated soil lifts) on top of the stabilizaed bank. Over 1000 native willow cuttings were obtained from nearby source areas, soaked to facilitate rooting, and then installed amongst the rock/LWD toe, within the in-bank LWD structures, and soil lifts. The project was done in conjunction with the City of Albany and River Design Group.